A local MSP is calling on the University of Stirling to scrap a planned rise in rent prices.
Some student accommodation costs will increase by 9% in the next academic year.
Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Mark Ruskell has formally written to the University about the decision.
A spokesperson for the University of Stirling says the increases reflect "inflationary pressures" - and there's a rent freeze on 15% of accommodation.
Commenting further, Mr Ruskell said:
“The University of Stirling’s decision to increase rents in student halls by up to 9% in the middle of the most acute cost of living crisis in a generation is deeply shocking.
“The University has significant financial reserves, yet prospective students are being plunged into poverty to protect the institution’s savings.
“I’m glad to hear that the Minister plans to write formally to the University of St Andrews about their decision to increase rents, and I look forward to seeing their reply to the Minister and my own letter of concern.
“The University has a chance to make this right and reverse this decision now, before it’s too late.
“For the future of students at Stirling and the reputation of the University, I hope they make the right choice.”
A spokesperson for the University of Stirling said: “Through the University’s Rent Review Group, on which there is both University and Students’ Union representation, we are committed to working to ensure that students can access a wide range of quality, affordable accommodation. To support our students' budgeting, all university-managed accommodation includes energy bills, high-quality internet access and contents insurance within the rental fee.
“The rent levels for the 2023/24 academic year include a rent freeze on 15% of our university-managed accommodation and a variable below inflation increase across the remainder of properties. These increases reflect inflationary pressures and rising operating costs – including utilities, staffing and maintenance costs.
“The University remains one of the best value-for-money accommodation providers in the sector, and our accommodation pricing structure goes further than the affordable criteria set out by the National Union of Students. Furthermore, we continue to provide students with a wide range of support and have significantly increased the funding available to support students experiencing financial hardship in relation to accommodation costs.
“Any student with concerns about their accommodation should report issues to the University immediately to ensure they are investigated and rectified at the earliest possible opportunity.”