It's hoped the £140 million Falkirk Growth Deal could be signed off later this year.
Plans to invest money in Falkirk as part of the deal are being discussed by local councillors.
Projects earmarked include a new £21 million transport hub at Falkirk Grahamston - called "Falkirk Central".
It also includes funding for a new Falkirk Town Hall.
The Growth Deal, which was confirmed in 2021, is expected to be signed off in June - with work starting the following month.
Malcolm Bennie, Director of Place Services, said: "The Falkirk Growth Deal is a commitment by Falkirk Council, and the Scottish and UK Governments to both economic revitalisation, a greener future and the wellbeing of our local communities. It’s an exciting new chapter in Falkirk’s story, highlighting the power of collaboration between central and local government, higher education, the public sector and business to deliver a shared vision for a brighter future for all.
“The project promises to bring new high-tech and green industry to the area, create an improved transport network, open up training opportunities for young people to launch rewarding careers, regenerate our canals, support the renewal of Falkirk Town Centre, and ensure Grangemouth and its community sees the benefits of supporting one of Scotland’s most important industrial zones.
“It is now for Councillors to decide if the proposals represent the best way forward for the area and if they do then our team will hit the ground running to start delivering this vision to bring real and tangible benefits to everyone in the Falkirk area."