Stirling Council is investing £720,000 into refurbishing 40 void properties in the area for those displaced by the war.
As of 7 June, 329 Ukrainians (157 households) were living across Stirling, including 63 households in contingency accommodation (hotel or serviced apartment). A total of 42 households had moved into their own home, while 52 households were still living with sponsors in the community.
A report shows the Housing Service had acquired 65 properties during 2022/23, with a further 30 earmarked for purchase this year. In addition, two new build sites are due for completion this year which will provide 31 more homes.
Stirling Council Leader Cllr Chris Kane said: “Stirling’s communities have a proud record of welcoming and supporting the Ukrainian people since the Russian invasion in 2022.
“The Council works closely with a range of organisations to ensure there is a wide range of supports available to help Ukrainians integrate into the community and build independent lives after the trauma of feeling conflict in their homeland.
“Securing this funding will allow us to provide a stable and secure living environment to a number of Ukrainian households and families living in temporary accommodation across Stirling who have endured so much uncertainty and strife.
“Upgrading these properties will also add to our general housing stock in the long-term, and it’s great to see more Council properties becoming available this year for people on the housing list.”
The funding of £18,000 per void home, will either partly or wholly fund works to properties. It will also cover the purchase of floor coverings and furniture packs so the housing will be ready for guests to move in.