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Daytime with Brian Woolfson

10:00am - 2:00pm

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Public consultation to begin on Falkirk Council facilities

More than 100 Falkirk Council facilities will close or be transferred out of council ownership over the next three years, in a bid to save money.

Councillors have approved plans to transfer 133 buildings - including all local community centres and sports pavilions.

The local authority is aiming to bridge a funding gap of £69 million by 2027.

Local residents will now be consulted on the plans.

Speaking at the meeting, Councillor Cecil Meiklejohn, Leader of Falkirk Council, said: "The Council is under severe financial pressure, with a £67m budget gap to be bridged over the next four years, 50% of which needs to come this year. This position means that we need to quickly address the fact we have too many poor-quality buildings, because it is simply unaffordable to maintain the existing large deteriorating estate.

“We will now go out and speak to the community about what help we can give them to take on some of these buildings and run them for their local areas. It will also help us identify where extra mitigation is required to help support groups with protected characteristics. This should include much better use of our valued schools estate.

“If these proposals are ultimately agreed next year they would generate significant savings, reduce our carbon footprint, potentially empower our local communities, and allow us to invest in better schools, care homes, libraries and leisure facilities."

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