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Report into local hospital

A report says "significant" progress has been made by NHS Forth Valley.

The health board was moved under Scottish Government "oversight" in November 2022, amid concerns over out-of-hours services, and unscheduled care.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland says there has been an "improvement in culture" at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

Speaking of the reports, Donna Maclean, Chief Inspector, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, said:

“During this follow-up inspection we have been assured that significant progress has been made by NHS Forth Valley in all of the areas highlighted during our previous inspections.

“Patients and relatives were complimentary about their care and the staff providing it. There was an open and supportive culture in the hospital and staff said they felt able to raise concerns.

“Despite increased hospital capacity, the areas we inspected were calm and well-led with teams working together to provide compassionate care.

“Inspectors reported a significant improvement in both the emergency department and the acute admission and clinical assessment units.

“Learning from patient feedback in the clinical assessment and acute admissions areas is being used to implement changes to improve patient experience.

“The majority of staff we spoke with describe Forth Valley Hospital as a good place to work with a supportive and visible senior leadership team and an improvement in culture since our previous inspection in September 2022.”

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