There has been a rise in the number of spiking incidents recorded across the Forth Valley.
Data from a Freedom of Information request by Central FM News shows 8 were registered in the twelve months to September.
That's up from 6 in the same time period the year before.
Police Scotland say they continue to investigate reports, and are working to keep venues safe.
The statement from Police Scotland in response to the Freedom of Information request reads:
"Officers are not always able to determine the reasons why a perpetrator carries out an assault in this way, but every report is taken seriously and investigated robustly.
Police Scotland continues to work with a range of partners, locally and nationally, to ensure pubs and clubs are safe spaces for all. We are working in communities, with licensees, pubs and clubs, to provide advice and support and to offer bystander training to help spot the signs of when someone may be at risk. We have also reached out to student communities to offer advice, support and reassurance.
We would encourage anyone who believes they have had their drink spiked or who has been assaulted in this way to contact Police Scotland on 101 or in an emergency 999. "