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Scottish Census Deadline Extended

It's after hundreds of thousands of people across Scotland failed to meet the original deadline.

The deadline to fill out the census in Scotland is being extended.

A short extension will be in place until the end of May.

It follows low response rates across the country, with 700,000 people yet to have their say.

Figures released earlier this week shows more than 1 in 5 households across the Forth Valley are yet to submit their response.

The Scottish Government have confirmed a four week extension.

Speaking at the Scottish Parliament, Angus Robertson said:

"We have now seen well over two million household returns across Scotland and I want to say a huge thank you to those who have done so. However, it's essential we maximise participation and ensure that everyone is heard and their needs captured.

That is why the census completion site will be left open, support will remain in place and NRS will continue to accept paper returns for this short extension period. We know that there are many people who have begun the census online but haven’t completed it, and that thousands of others have requested a paper copy but haven’t yet returned it."

"It is vital that we secure as high a response rate as possible so that the census can be effective in delivering its many benefits for future public services. For anyone that hasn’t completed their census, I would urge them to act now."

National Records of Scotland Chief Executive Paul Lowe added:

“With the 1st May deadline approaching we are continuing to receive a high volume of census returns both online and in paper and each day our contact centre is continuing to support many householders keen to submit their returns. We want to maximise this ongoing enthusiasm and support from across the nation to complete the census and so have put in place a short extension to ensure everyone’s return counts.

“Help and support to complete your census is available on our website census.gov.scot or via our free helpline 0800 030 8308. Paper forms are also still available on request for those who need them.”

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