Stirling Council are asking residents for their views on plans to introduce a visitor levy.
The local authority says a 1% charge would raise up to £2.3 million a year.
An in-person drop-in session is being held at the Albert Halls today.
An online survey runs until 4th May.
Stirling Council Leader, Cllr Gerry McGarvey said: “We are committed to engaging extensively with Stirling’s tourism industry, businesses and residents before we produce a draft visitor levy scheme.
“Securing a wide range of views from these stakeholders is vital as it will ensure we deliver a draft scheme that reflects the needs of this key sector and maximises the potential benefits for everyone who lives, works and visits the Stirling area.
“It was fitting that we started our early engagement phase at the birthplace of Scottish tourism, alongside key partners and members of the industry. The introduction of a levy could be another major milestone in Stirling’s tourism offering, with opportunities to reinvest revenues in key infrastructure that is shared by visitors and residents, such as roads, pavements, leisure facilities and parks.
“We want to have a meaningful conversation with everyone, from residents to accommodation providers, about how this could work in Stirling, so please take part in the survey or come along to one of the drop-in sessions.”